Advanced Instancing in TouchDesigner – Capstone

1h 0min


This one-hour capstone workshop led by Jack DiLaura is focused on advanced control techniques for instancing in TouchDesigner. This session is designed to elevate your skills in utilizing key attributes such as translate, rotate, scale, rotate to vector, rotate up vector, and texture coordinates. Perfect your technical ability so you can manipulate complex 3D geometry efficiently, using the powerful GPU-accelerated capabilities of instancing.

This workshop is crucial for students looking to leverage instancing in TouchDesigner, a high-performance tool essential for creating particle systems, flocking simulations, 3D user interfaces, and managing large amounts of detailed 3D geometry in a scene. By understanding the full spectrum of geometry attributes, participants will gain the proficiency needed to scale their projects effectively.


Jack DiLaura 

Course contents

  • Setup Initial Geometry for Instancing: Start by establishing the base geometry for instancing in TouchDesigner
  • Setup the Render Pipeline for Post Processing: Configure the essential render pipeline for effective post-processing
  • Animate the Tracking Sphere Position and Orientation: Learn to animate a tracking sphere, adjusting its position and orientation dynamically to influence instanced geometries.
  • Control Instance Geometries Translations, Scale, and Rotation: Focus on technical control over translations, scaling, and rotations of your instances, adjusting spatial arrangements and visual impacts. This is essential controls for your instancing setup.
  • Control Instances Using Their Pivot Point: Master instance rotations through their pivot points, essential for complex animations requiring precise orientation.
  • Rotate and Orient Instances Using Rotate to Vector and Rotate Up Vector: Utilize ‘rotate to vector’ and ‘rotate up vector’ for advanced rotational control, aligning instances with specific directions.
  • Texture and Colour Your Instances: Gain skills in applying textures and colours to instanced geometries, enhancing visual aesthetics and thematic consistency.
  • Create Shadows and Lighting for 3D Instanced Scenes: Learn to implement shadows and lighting to add depth, contrast, and realism to your 3D designs, enhancing the overall dramatic effect.


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